

Health Products for Nine TCM Constitutions

TCM believes physical quality can be improved through regulation to prevent disease and keep fit. Based on different types of constitution described in TCM, Greenxtract has developed corresponding functional products to meet the needs of clients.

health tea for constitution of yin-yang harmony
health tea for constitution of qi asthenia
health tea for constitution of yang asthenia
health tea for constitution of yin asthenia
health tea for constitution of phlegm-dampness
health tea for constitution of damp-heat
health tea for constitution of blood stasis
health tea for constitution of qi stagnation
health tea for allergic constitution

Functional Products

On the basis of scientific research of physical quality, we are able to tailor-make functional foods and beverages to meet the consumer needs.

hypoglycemic tea

soothing tea

sober-up tea

slimming tea

herbal tea blend

throat-clearing tea

chinese mint tea

cosmetic tea

nourishing stomach tea

anti-pressure tea

新郑市| 丰原市| 吉木萨尔县| 美姑县| 巴马| 钟山县| 罗江县| 遂平县| 漳浦县| 秀山| 新田县| 奉化市| 葵青区| 黄石市| 高碑店市| 吉木乃县| 色达县| 汤原县| 色达县| 辽阳县| 年辖:市辖区| 巴塘县| 德惠市| 廉江市| 芮城县| 成武县| 施甸县| 浮山县| 宿松县| 十堰市| 嵩明县| 乳源| 金坛市| 紫金县| 礼泉县| 衡水市| 大庆市| 婺源县| 禹城市| 祁东县| 东兰县|