

Coffee Extract

Grain Extract

“Greenxtract is dedicated to becoming a respected expert of tea and herb extracts.”

Grain will be better absorbed by our body with innovative technology.

  Nowadays, meat, eggs, milk and other animal-based foods are in high proportion in the dietary structure while the consumption of cereals is gradually decreasing, resulting in the imbalance of nutrition and health. Using the technology of enzymatic hydrolysis, probiotics fermentation and membrane clarification, the clarified grain beverage is developed, which can improve the unbalanced dietary structure and the level of nutrition and health.

Product Profile

“Greenxtract is dedicated to becoming a respected expert of tea and herb extracts.”

Caobenyiren solid beverage is developed by the R&D team of Greenxtract for one year. The four main products have different functions.
Rea bean Coix Seed Tea   Goji Chrysanthemum Tea
Lotus Pu'er Tea   Sealwort Ginseng Goji Tea



produced by Greenxtract

define new grain beverage

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